2 August
Change of season: bye bye Warin, welcome Guling!
At the moment there are a few seasonal calendars in Wurundjeri land because the process of reconnecting with knowledge and Country has been deeply affected by the effects of colonialism. Despite their differences, all Kulin seasonal calendars agree that European seasons: Autumn, winter, spring and summer do not correspond with the seasonal changes in this land and they are defined by the interactions of plants, animals and weather, as well as the length of the days and the movement of the stars. In our creekulum we’ve been using Aunty Joy Murphy’s “Seven seasons” calendar and observing seasonal markers along Merri Merri creek.
Warin season surprised us with hundreds of rain moth’s casings along the creek, fungi, cold weather, strong winds and rain. But now, the blooming of the wattle in bright yellow is announcing the change to Guling season (also known as orchid season). Also, birds have been very present this last couple of weeks, we’ve been observing Tawny frog mouths perching on gumtree’s branches and have been visited by Kookaburras, rainbow lorikeets, galahs, magpies, honey suckers and more!
The metre square adventure of 5/6s continues!
This was the last week of Scale Free Network: What an adventure! 5/6 students, teachers and parents explored the creek with all their senses and using scientific tools such as microscopes to learn more about the invisible worlds we are part of!
Invitation to participate with Uncle Dave Wandin and Uncle Bill Nicholson next week
Next week for the last week of 5/6s creekulum program we’ll continue to learn from Wurundjeri Elders about the Merri Merri creek ecosystems (or creekosystems a new word coined this week!) and the square metres that students have chosen to do their research
You’re welcome to join for these sessions. Students and teachers will leave school from Monday to Thursday around 11:40 to meet with Uncle Dave (on Monday) and Uncle Bill (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
Raincoats donations
If you have raincoats size 10 to adult size that you no longer use, please bring them to the office as we’re collecting raincoats to have spare ones for 5/6s students (and 3/4s later this term). Thanks!
Upcoming news
3/4s program is coming soon! Starting Monday Aug 19th 3/4s students will be learning about biodiversity with a focus in Indigenous knowledges and storytelling. So it's a good time for parents and/or carers of 3/4s students to get your Working with Children Check ready to be able to volunteer and join the fun!
If you need help applying to your Working with Children Check get in touch with Sarita to creekulum@gmail.com
Festival of the soil - 18th August at ArtPlay (free family event)
Scale Free Network - Nema and the Xenos book launch
Everyone invited to attend the Festival of the soil at artplay, our friends from Scale Free Network will be launching their book “Nema and the Xenos: A story of soil cycles” and there will be lots of fun activities about soil!
See more: https://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/arts-and-culture/artplay/whats-on/Pages/festival-soil.aspx
On Sunday 28 July a group of Moreland Primary School families came together to walk along the Merri Creek to build connection with the creek and the Merri Merri Creek project. Over a series of three walks we will complete the entire distance from Coburg to the meeting place of the creek and the Yarra. We had a great walk and would love to see even more families join us for the next walk on 18 August 2019. More details about the next walk below.
Parent reflection on Merri Merri Creek walk
Have you ever stopped long enough to hear and differentiate the sounds around you? This is how our walk along Merri Creek as families from MPS began on Sunday at 2pm. We stood in a circle, closed our eyes, and concentrated on whatever we could “hear”, from bird calls, to traffic, to the ebb and flow of the rhythmic waters of the Merri creek. It was like we were transported into a different time and space. This guided walk is one of a series of 3 walks along the Merri Creek, led by Seth, one of our school dads. During this ‘silent’ time at the start we paused to be still, to reflect on what we were grateful for, and there was opportunity to share this with the group. Acknowledging the gift of Merri Creek, those who have cared for the creek to make it what it is today, and those in the past who have tread along its windy, well-worn paths. It is truly an oasis in the midst of busy suburbia. A place that is full of things to observe, to care for, to share with others.
Our families walked and talked and by the end of the couple of hours (5 km), we felt that we had ‘experienced’ something special together. It was that familiar feeling of having spent a ‘camp weekend’ with others, where you are a little sad to say goodbye! We shared afternoon tea half way through the walk, and stopped to chat, to play. There were children who stopped to roll down a big hill, and one adult who also joined them in this frivolous fun! We hope that other families join us for the next walk! We certainly are looking forward to it!
Sharmila Blair
Next walk
When: 1:30pm 18 August 2019
Who: Everyone is welcome
What should I bring: A snack to share, water and weather appropriate clothes
Distance: Approx 5km total
Where: We will start and finish in the same place - next to the creek, just south of Arthurton Rd in Northcote – see map
Email Kate or Seth